Arctic cooperation in a new situation: Analysis on the impacts of the Russian war of aggression
Arctic Governance and China´s Engagement
Arctic security: evolution of Arctic security dynamics and prospect for a security regime in the Arctic
Arctic Yearbook 2020
China and Arctic Shipping: Policies, Interests and Engagement
China's climate policy: does an Arctic dimension exist?
Chinese investment in Greenland
Chinese science diplomacy in Arctic climate governance based on a survey and interviews with Chinese scientists
Chinese visiting Rovaniemi, Finland: profile and perceptions of Arctic tourists
Concentration maxima of methane in the bottom waters over the Chukchi Sea shelf: implication of its biogenic source
Contents of Vol.27 No.3 2016: Arctic Policy and Sustainable Development
Current Developments in Arctic Law
Development potential of the Northeast Passage based on a multinomial-logit-based stochastic user equilibrium model
Distribution of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in Ny-Ålesund of the Arctic
Evaluation of Arctic sea ice simulation of CMIP6 models from China
Foreword for Special Issue: Arctic Policy and Sustainable Development
How much is the fish? When foreign policy meets fishing interests in the EU’s Arctic endeavour
India’s Arctic Policy: a critical appraisal
International code for ships operating in polar waters: challenges to polar shipping safety rules in China
International Governance of Multidimensional Arctic
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