CNARC Fellowship Program
The fellowship program is now open for application! Interested candidates should admit their application along with a recommendation letter from a CNARC Member Institute to the Secretariat of CNARC no later than 30 April 2024.
The program offers opportunities for excellent researchers from both China and Nordic states, under the collaborative framework of the China-Nordic Arctic Research Center (CNARC), to conduct joint research within leading research institutes in Arctic studies. The program allow researchers to advance their own research projects while contributing to an increased awareness, understanding and knowledge of the Arctic and its impacts for both China and Nordic States
Fellowship Standards
Fellows are encouraged to conduct relevant research project consistent with CNARC’s research priorities.
- CNARC's research priorities:
- Arctic climate change and its impacts
- Arctic resources, shipping and economic cooperation
- Arctic policy-making and legislation
- Duration: 1 - 2 month
- Requirements:
- An academic research report (3.000 words) submitted no later than 3 months upon completion of fellowship and accessible within CNARC's Member Institutes. Fellows are encouraged to pursue peer-reviewed publications based on research findings with acknowledgement of CNARC's sponsorship.
- Initiatives of academic exchanges among CNARC member institutes (e.g. lectures, presentations, workshops, etc).
- Such research projects shall also have other sources of funding than from CNARC.
- Active participation and contribution to CNARC symposium, publications, etc., are strongly encouraged.
Number of Fellowship Awarded
For Year 2024, the fellowships shall be granted to:
- 2 Nordic candidates
- 2 Chinese candidates
Successful candidates shall choose to conduct the fellowship during the following period: September 1st 2024 - June 30th 2025. Candidate shall submit the application and related documents by email to the Secretariat of CNARC no later than 30 April 2024.
Contact Info: Ms. LIU Han, CNARC Executive Secretary,
Terms of Award
- For Nordic fellows to conduct research in Chinese host member institutes:
- Office and lunch provided by the host institute.
Monthly stipend (RMB, tax incl.) according to standard of China's State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs:
Academic Rank Allowance Living Expenses Total Professor 9,000 18,000 27,000 Associate-Professor 8,000 17,000 25,000 Assistant-Professor 7,000 15,000 22,000 - Nordic fellows shall firstly register at Polar Research Institute of China (sponsor of fellowship) upon arrival and withdraw the monthly stipends.
- For Chinese fellows to conduct research in Nordic host institutes:
- Round-trip air ticket (Economy Class)
Monthly stipend (tax incl.) according to standard of China's Ministry of Finance:
Academic Rank Denmark Finland Iceland Norway Sweden Professor / Associate-Professor 12,000 DKK 1,800 EURO 1,800 EURO 13,000 NOK 15,000 SEK Assistant-Professor 9,500 DKK 1,300 EURO 1,100 EURO 11,000 NOK 13,000 SEK - Nordic host institutes shall be encouraged to provide convenient working facilities, domestic travelling, and local logistic support to satisfy the basic life and academic activities of the visiting scholar(s).
Application procedure for the program
- Candidate Eligibility
- Be based at or employed by member institutes of CNARC; or be a citizen from and employed by accredited relevant research institutes in China and the Nordic States;
- Have more than two-year research experience relevant to the Arctic research.
- Materials to be submitted
- Application form to be filled and signed by candidate.
- A letter of recommendation from any member institute of CNARC.
- A notice of acceptance from a host institute (which should be a member institute of CNARC or a relevant organization nominated by a member institute within its given country).
- Candidate shall submit the application and related documents by email to the Secretariat of CNARC no later than 30th April, 2024. Contact Info: Ms. LIU Han, CNARC Executive Secretary,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / +8621-5871-7243 , Add: No. 451 Jinqiao Rd, Shanghai 200136, P.R.China
Selection Process and Notification
- Results of selection of applicants for Year 2024 shall be notified in late September. The selection is conducted by a fellowship sub-committee established within CNARC and made up of frontline Arctic experts from China and Nordic states. The selection is carried out through a document review described as below:
- Document reviews for each application are conducted individually by members of CNARC's fellowship sub-committee: In the document review, a graduated scoring system is used on the scale 1 to 5, with 5(superlative), 4(excellent), 3(good), 2(fair) and 1(poor). Marks are made on a comprehensive basis, taking into account research achievements, the research plan, estimated research capacities and feasibility of the research. The average score in the document review is used as the primary screening criterion in the panel review.
- Notification of the selection results will be made in writing through the Secretariat of CNARC. Acceptance documents will be sent to the successful candidates. The names of the awardees, host institutes as well as their research themes are subject to public disclosure on CNARC's website. Unsuccessful candidates are not directly notified of their selection results.
Previous fellows
Guideline for the CNARC Fellowship Program was launched in May 2014.
The fellowship programme has assisted in building up contacts between Nordic and Chinese researchers through people-to-people exchange, which have strengthened research projects and partnerships of CNARC members that are carried out independently between the relevant partners; as well as having the intended benefit of original research being produced on a wide set of topics within the scope of CNARC's research priorities.
To get more information on each fellow please click on the photo.
Previous fellows / 2018-2019
Previous fellows / 2017-2018
Previous fellows / 2016-2017
Camilla T. N. Sørensen
Assistant Professor,
Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Previous fellows / 2015-2016
Liu Dan
Associate Professor,
Center for Rule of Ocean Law Studies, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen
Professor, Chair in Politics
University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway
Previous fellows / 2014-2015
Application form
In accordance with research priorities, CNARC will offer fellowships for scholars at Nordic and Chinese institutes to conduct collaborative research within CNARC network for a period of one to six months. CNARC may offer scholarships and internships to postgraduate students and young scholars. For further information please study the application form. All applications for CNARC Fellowships shall be submitted to the CNARC Secretariat.