The pigmental composition and the absorption spectral analysis of Ulothrix sp. and benthic diatoms in the intertidal zone of Great Wall Station, Antarctica
The Polar Ionosphere and the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
The preliminary study of the phytoplankton ecology in the Great Wall Bay, Antarctica
The protoliths to the sillimanite gneisses from the Larsemann Hills and geological implication in their formation
The roles of phosphate in shaping the structure and dynamics of Antarctic soil microbiomes
The separation and identification of phytoplankton pigments from the adjacent waters of Great Wall Station, Antarctica
The Svalbard Treaty and Norwegian Sovereignty
Thermal Properties and Temperature Distribution of Snow / Firn on the Law Dom Ice Cap, Antarctica
Transforming Biodiversity Governance
Triple-helix knowledge-based Sino-Nordic Arctic relationships for trust and sustainable development
Unboxing Arctic Security Relations and Dynamics
Variability of size-fractionated chlorophyll a in the high-latitude Arctic Ocean in summer 2020
Variability of size-fractionated phytoplankton standing stock in the Amundsen Sea during summer
Vertical distribution and seasonal variation in ice algae biomass in coastal sea ice off Zhongshan Station, East Antarctica
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