Theme: The Sustainable Arctic - Opportunities and Challenges of Globalization

Took place in Rovaniemi, Finland 6-9 June 2016

Monday 6 June 2016

19:00-21:00  Welcome Reception at the Korundi House of Culture

Tuesday 7 June 2016

8:00-9:00  Registration

9:00-10:45  Opening session with invited keynote speakers

  • Symposium Chair: Prof. Timo Koivurova, Director, Arctic Center, University of Lapland
  • Co-Chair: Dr. YANG Jian, Vice-President, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies & Deputy-Director, CNARC 
  • Maria Lohela, Speaker of the Parliament of Finland
  • LV Bin, Vice Administrator of China's State Oceanic Administration
  • Tiina Sanila-Aikio, President, Finnish Sámi Parliament
  • Raimo Väyrynen, Chairman of the Board, University of Lapland
  • YU Qingtai, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Finland
  • Aleksi Härkönen, Ambassador for Arctic Affairs, Finland
  • Árni Þór Sigurðsson, Ambassador for Arctic Affairs, Iceland
  • YANG Huigen, Director General, Polar Research Institute of China/ Vice-President, IASC

10:45-11:15  Group photo & Coffee break

11:15-12:30  Session I moderated by Daniela Tommasini. Theme: Arctic Tourism

  • Q&A

12:30-14:00  Lunch

14:00-16:00  Session II moderated by Peter Sköld. Theme: Arctic Sustainability

  • Q&A

16:00-16:30  Coffee break

16:30-17:45  Session III moderated by Lassi Heininen in cooperation with Maria Ackrén, Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen, Þorsteinn Gunnarsson. Theme: The Globalarctic: Globalization and the Arctic

  • Q&A

19:00-21:00  CNARC 2016 Symposium Dinner

Wednesday 8 June 2016

8:00-8:30  Registration

8:30-9:45  Session III moderated by Lassi Heininen in cooperation with Maria Ackrén, Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen, Þorsteinn Gunnarsson. Theme: The Globalarctic: Globalization and the Arctic (cont.)

  • Q&A

9:45-10:00  Coffee break

10:00-11:45  Session IV moderated by Matti Nojonen. Theme: China, Nordic Countries and the Arctic

  • Q&A

11:45-12:00  Arctic 100 Expedition. Eero Hokkanen, Arctia Ltd.

12:00-12:15  CNARC 2016 Symposium Closing Remarks

  • Dr. YANG Jian, Vice-President, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies & Deputy-Director, CNARC
  • Prof. Timo Koivurova, Director, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland

12:15-14:00  Lunch

14:00-16:30  Transport to the University of Lapland Programme arranged by the University of the Arctic & the University of Lapland

18:30-20:30  Dinner in restaurant Da Zhong Hua

Thursday 9 June 2016

 9:00-12:30  CNARC Roundtable 2016 Arctic Sustainable Tourism

Tuesday 7 June 2016 Session I Arctic Tourism

Johan Edelheim, Director from Multidimensional Tourism Institute, Rovaniemi - How is the Arctic Narrated in Attractions?

Rauno Posio, Project Leader from Visit Arctic Europe / Member of the Arctic Economic Council - Tourism trends in Nordic Arctic region

Cecilia de Bernardi, Shenghan Zhou fromMultidimensional Tourism Institute, Rovaniemi - Visiting Rovaniemi: a Comparative Study of Motivation, Preference and Satisfaction of Chinese Tourists

Ilona Mettiäinen from Arctic Centre, University of Lapland - See it before it’s gone? – Challenges to sustainability in growing Arctic tourism

7 June 2016 Session II Arctic Sustainability - Part 1: Sustainable Development in the Arctic Ocean

Anna Stammler-Gossmann from Arctic Centre, University of Lapland - Arctic Fisheries: Puzzle of sustainability in a shifting environment

Zou Leilei from Shanghai Ocean University - Enlightenment of Arctic Marine Shipping Management to Arctic Fisheries Management

7 June 2016 Session II Arctic Sustainability - Part II Sustainable Development and Climate Change

Yu Hongyuan from Shanghai Institutes of International Studies - Chinese Perspectives on the Influences of UNFCCC COP 21 on the Arctic Governance

7 June 2016 Session II Arctic Sustainability - Part III China and Sustainable Development of Arctic Local Communities

Jesper Willaing Zeuthen from Aalborg University - Lacking Community Out-Reach of Chinese Mining Investors in the Arctic

Su Ping from Tongji University - Sustainable Development of the Arctic Indigenous Peoples and Contribution of Asian Observers

7 June 2016 Session III The Globalarctic: Globalization and the Arctic

Lassi Heininen from The GlobalArctic - introductory words

Waliul Hasanat from University of Lapland - Towards a Universal Declaration on the Arctic: Bangladesh Perspective

Maria Ackrén from Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland - Indigenous Voices in the Arctic Council (working title)

Zhao Long, Associate Professor from Shanghai Institutes for International Studies - On Arctic governance paradigm and role of China

Adam Stepien from Arctic Centre, University of Lapland - Footprints management as a means towards external actors’ responsible engagement in the Arctic

Wednesday 8 June 2016 Session III The Globalarctic: Globalization and the Arctic (cont.)

Xia Liping, Professor, Director for Institute of International and Public Affairs from Tongji University - The Impact of Change in the Arctic Environment on Global Security and China’s National Security

Valerii Konyshev from Saint-Petersburg State University - Can the Northern Sea Route become a part of New Silk Road?

Y.K. Chow & Aziz Merchant from Keppel-NUS Corporate Laboratory /Keppel Offshore & Marine Technology Centre/ National University of Singapore - Research Programme on Ice-Structure Interaction for Arctic Offshore Development

Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen from UiT, AAU, ISDP, HI - The Need for Global/Arctic Knowledge: the Sino-Nordic Case

8 June 2016 Session IV China, Nordic Countries and the Arctic

Arild Moe from Fridtjof Nansen Institute, and Director of the project Asia in the Arctic and Olav Schram Stokke from University of Oslo/Fridtjof Nansen Institute - Asia in the Arctic: Perceptions, Interests, and Policies

Bent Ole Gram Mortensen from University of Southern Denmark & Jingjing Su from University of Copenhagen - Greenland and Chinese outbound investments

Magnus Andersson from University of Tromsø - China, the Nordic countries and the Arctic

Alexander Sergunin from St. Petersburg State University - The prospects for the Sino-Russian cooperation in the Arctic: the Nordic nexus

Guo Peiqing from Professor, Deputy Director for Research Institute of Polar Law and Politics, China Ocean University - Which one is more important? Value Alliance and Interest Alliance for Arctic Cooperation

Deng Beixi, Assistant Professor, Division of Polar Strategic Studies from Polar Research Institute of China - Transitions of Nordic Arctic Security and Economic Policies in the post-Ukrainian / Crisis Era and Reflections on China-Nordic Arctic Cooperation


Thursday 9 June 2016, CNARC Roundtable 2016: Arctic Sustainable Tourism (upon invitations only)*

Host: Lapland Chamber of Commerce

Roundtable Chair: Timo Rautajoki, CEO, Lapland Chamber of Commerce

Co-Chair: Dr. YANG Huigen, Director, Polar Research Institute of China & Director, CNARC

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