Advances in Polar Science Vol.4 No.2 1993

Publication: Advances in Polar Science (APS). Antarctic Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, 11~20, December 1993

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Author: Zhu Genhai

CNARC member: Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC)

Abstract: Diet Components of Euphausia superba of 12 sexual maturity stages from the adjacent waters off the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica were analysed. The major points observed are summarised as follows: 135 taxa of nano- and microorganisms were found in stomach contents of Euphausia superba, of which, the diatoms make 60% of the total species number. Planktonic nano-diatoms and nano- flagellates smaller than 20μm  in diameter accounted for 85% of diet total number. The dominant species in the stomach contents were Nitzschia angulata f. minima, N. curta f. minima, N. curta, Chrysostomum sp., the mean cell number of these species was about 56.99 cells/ind., The stomach fullness increases gradually with the sexual mature of the krill.

Key words: the South Shetland Islands, Euphausia superba, stomach contents, nano- and microalgae
