Advances in Polar Science Vol.2 No.1 1991

Publication: Advances in Polar Science (APS). Antarctic Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, 53~59, June 1991

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Author: Liu Ghangfa, Zhang Ping and Jiao Chengmin

CNARC member: Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC)

Abstract: In this paper the characteristics of Sq variation of geomagnetic field in the region of the Chinese Great Wall Station (CGWS), Antarctica, in winter are analyzed from geomagnetic data obtained at the Geomagnetic Observatory of CGWS. The result enables us to reveal the following aspects: (1) The pattern of Sq variation at CGWS in early (Apr.) and Late winter (Sep.) is similar to that at Beijing Geomagnetic Observatory (BJO) at the middle latitude in the Northern Hemisphere. It may be controlled by the mid latitudinal ionospheric dynamo current. Amplitude of Sq variation is very small, and the harmonics in 8 hours or shorter periods in midwinter (June and July) is predominant because of the decreased effect of solar ultraviolet radiation and the dominant geomagnetic disturbance at high latitudes. (to read more please go to the download link
