• Affiliated Organization: Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
  • Fields: Policy and Governance


Timo Koivurova
Research professor at the Arctic Centre
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Other Information:

Timo Koivurova has a multidisciplinary specialisation in Arctic law and government but has also conducted broader research on global law (including authoring an English-language text book on international environmental law). Some of his research areas include:

  • The legal status of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic (e.g. the Sámi)
  • Regulations and politics regarding climate change in general and in the Arctic
  • Regulating mining industry practices
  • Arctic immigration
  • The laws and politics surrounding the opening of the Arctic Ocean
  • The continued development of the Arctic Council as an intergovernmental forum
  • Rapidly-changing geopolitical trends in the Arctic, both from a broader geopolitical perspective and also with a special focus on China's role in the region
  • Possibilities for an Arctic treaty.

He has been involved as an expert in several international processes globally and in the Arctic region and has published on the above-mentioned topics extensively.

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