Luo Ying
- Affiliated Organization: Center of Polar Issues Studies, South China Business College, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
- Fields: Human Development, Social Sciences

- Position:
- Ph.D. in Russian Language and Literature
- Address:
- Guangzhou
- China
- Other Information:
Luo Ying, Ph.D. in Russian Language and Literature, visiting scholar of the Russian State Moscow University, full-time researcher of the Polar Issues Research Center of the South China Business College of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Director of the China-European Cultural Exchange Institute. Research focuses on the Russian Arctic region. From the perspective of human geography, combined with Russian history, focusing on topics such as arctic resources, Arctic aborigines, and modernization of the Arctic, he has continued to specialize in the field of human geography of the Russian Arctic, published monographs and many papers in core journals.
Recent research
1.Investments of Chinese companies in the Russian Arctic zone: opportunities and challenges. 2019.03 Moscow Economic Journal. ISSN 2413-046X
2.Compilation of Polar Research and Organization (Social Sciences Volume) (ISBN 978-7-307-21375-3) Wuhan University Press, 2019.12
3. Changing the diet and traditional lifestyle of indigenous peoples of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation: assessment of the impact on health, standard and quality of life. Collection of works based on the materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation (2019, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk) ISBN : 978-5-98450-638-0,2019
4. The challenges of adaptation mechanisms in the Arctic: the impact of climate and environmental factors on human health. Occupational health and safety in the Arctic region:institutional aspect. 2019.12
5. Sino-Russian cooperation on the sustainable utilization of Arctic biological resources: modernizing traditional knowledge. Adv Polar Sci, 2020, 31(3): doi: 10.13679/j.advps.2020.0004
6. Andronov, S., Lobanov, A., Popov, A., Luo Ying et al . Changing diets and traditional lifestyle of Siberian Arctic Indig enous Peoples: effects on health and wellbeing,Springer Journals Ambio,ISSN 0044-7447 2020.08 (SCI, 2区612 (MedSci实时期刊指数) | 3.017
7. Luo Ying, Dang Xue. Indigenous peoples of the Arctic in the era of globalization:A View from China, Languages and Cultures: Interdisciplinary Studies, ISSN 2782-1943, Synergy of Languages and Cultures: Interdisciplinary Studies. Collection of articles / edited by S. Y. Rubtsova (ed.), E. K. Rokhlina. — St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg University, 2021. — 710 p.St. Petersburg State University Publishing House.2021.06.
8.Luo Y, Lobanov A A, Hui F M, et al. Traditional Arctic native fish storage methods and their role in the sustainable development of the Arctic. Adv Polar Sci, 2021, 32(2): 161-171, doi: 10.13679/j.advps.2021.0011
9.Luo Ying, Xu Qingchao, Cai Meijiang. Looking at the prospects for the normalized operation of Arctic Waterways from Russia's "Arctic Strategy 2035", "Country and Regional Research", 2021.Issue 3 (CSSCI Collection)
10.Luo Ying, Wu Xinling. Role of China in the Development of Russia’s Arctic Logictics System: an Analysis of the Russian Arctic Strategy 2035. The Arctic in a Space of Knowledge: The collection of St Petersburg State University scientific events articles (2020– 2021) / St Petersburg: St Petersburg University Press, 2022. — 271 p. ISBN 978-5-288-06250-6
11.Luo Ying. Economic and cultural cooperation between the indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic and ethnic minorities in northern China. Intercultural dialogue in the modern world. St. Petersburg State University Publishing House. 2022.06
12.Luo Ying, Wu Haotian, Peng Yongyu.The possibility and path of deepening Sino-Russian Arctic tourism cooperation-taking the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as an example."Journal of Liaodong College" No. 6, 2022, pages 29-36
13. Luo Y, Wang J H, Lobanov A A, et al. Development of the Arctic reindeer industry from the perspective of Sino-Russian green biomanufacturing cooperation. Adv Polar Sci, 2022, 33(4), doi: 10.13679/j.advps.2022.0011